
NBA CO-PO Mapping Guidelines

Slide 1: Introduction to CO and PO Mapping

  • As per NBA (National Board of Accreditation) guidelines, 6 Course Outcomes (COs) must be defined for theory and laboratory courses.
  • For courses with both theory and laboratory components, at least 8 COs are required, and no CO should be framed at the "Remember" level.
  • Keep these essential points in mind while framing COs for a course.

Slide 2: Mapping COs with POs (Program Outcomes)

  • All COs should be mapped with PO1 to PO4 based on the respective CO level.
  • The first four Program Outcomes (PO1 to PO4) are linked to cognitive domains and are focused on solving complex engineering problems. These POs are mapped to different levels of cognitive skills:
    • o PO1: K3 Level (Application)
    • o PO2: K4 Level (Analysis)
    • o PO3: K5 Level (Synthesis)
    • o PO4: K6 Level (Evaluation)
  • Example of CO mapping
    • o If a CO is framed at K2 level, it can be mapped to PO1 and PO2 with correlation values of 2 and 1, respectively.
    • o For a CO at K3 level, map it to PO1, PO2, and PO3 with correlation values of 3, 2, and 1.
    • o Similarly, for a K4 level CO, the mapping could be 3, 2, 1.
  • Use this template to align your COs with PO1 to PO4.

Slide 3: Assessment Tools for PO1 to PO4

  • Common assessment tools for PO1 to PO4 include:
    • Class tests, centralized internal tests (sometimes called common internal tests), model exams, semester examinations, assignments, quizzes, and mini-projects.
  • These tools are typically used to assess PO1 to PO4
  • For PO5 to PO12, other assessment tools are utilized. These assessments focus more on practical skills and outcomes and are not limited to traditional tests and exams.

Slide 4: Mapping COs with PO5 (Modern Tool Usage)

  • PO5 focuses on the use of modern tools in engineering.
    • High correlation (3): If students are able to demonstrate a concept using modern tools.
    • Medium correlation (2): If students are able to explain a concept using the tools.
    • Low correlation (1): If students can only list tools or syntax used to implement the concept.
  • Assessment for PO5:
    • You can assign assignments or tutorials where students use modern tools to implement concepts. The extent to which students complete the tasks (e.g., meeting the specifications) will determine their attainment levels (3, 2, 1, or 0).
  • These tools are typically used to assess PO1 to PO4
  • For PO5 to PO12, other assessment tools are utilized. These assessments focus more on practical skills and outcomes and are not limited to traditional tests and exams.

Slide 6: Mapping COs with PO7 (Environment and Sustainability)

  • PO7 deals with environmental sustainability and the impact of engineering solutions.
    • Courses like Environmental Science (EVS) and projects dealing with sustainable development can be mapped with high correlation.
  • All COs of EVS courses will be highly correlated with PO7.
  • Mini-projects and projects that address environmental and sustainability issues should also be mapped with PO7.

Slide 7: Mapping COs with PO8 (Ethics)

  • PO8 focuses on ethics and responsibilities in engineering practice.
    • For courses, map at least two COs with correlation levels of 2/1
    • Use assignments, seminars, or group assignments to assess ethical principles.
    • Lab courses, mini-projects, and EEC courses can also be mapped with PO8.
  • Assessment for PO8:
    • Focus on plagiarism during assessments and assign corresponding attainment levels based on submission timeliness and ethical behavior.

Slide 8: Mapping COs with PO9 (Individual and Teamwork)

  • PO9 focuses on individual and teamwork skills.
    • For each course, map at least two COs with correlation levels of 2/1 using seminars, case studies, or group assignments.
    • Lab courses, mini-projects, and projects should also be mapped with PO9.
  • Assessment for PO9:
    • Evaluate teamwork and individual contributions through rubrics that assess practical skills, leadership, and collaboration.

Slide 9: Mapping COs with PO10 (Communication Skills)

  • PO10 emphasizes effective communication.
    • Map at least two COs to PO10 with assignments, seminars, and group assignments.
    • Lab courses, mini-projects, projects, and technical communication courses (like English and Professional Communication) should be mapped with PO10.
  • Assessment for PO10:
    • Assess communication skills through viva-voce marks, splitting them into technical and communication skills.
    • Use rubrics for report writing and documentation to assess this PO.

Slide 10: Mapping COs with PO11 (Project Management)

  • PO11 can be mapped to mini-projects and projects
    • For project-based courses, use project-specific rubrics to evaluate the project management skills and map them with PO11.

Slide 11: Mapping COs with PO12 (Lifelong Learning)

  • PO12 promotes lifelong learning.
    • You can assign a high correlation (3) if students are involved in service learning courses or tackling complex problems like GATE or IES.
    • Assign medium (2) or low (1) correlation for activities like paper presentations or other activities promoting continuous learning.