NBA accreditation is a Quality Assurances scheme for Higher Technical Education:
It is open to all institutions in India providing AICTE approved programmes in Engineering & Technology, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture, Applied Arts& Crafts, Computer Applications, and Hospitality & Tourism Management.
Unlike, NAAC Accreditation which is an institutional accreditation, NBA Accreditation is programme based i.e. it provides accreditation for individual programmes.
NBA operates a two-tier system of accreditation for all the programmes under its purview. The TIER-I system has been designed for the technical programmes offered by Autonomous Institutions & University departments, while the TIER-II system is fine-tuned for the needs of the Non-Autonomous Institutions affiliated to a University.
NBA has Outcome based process of accreditation. This process focuses on the predefined outcomes that by and large, signify knowledge, skills and capabilities expected from a graduate on successful completion of a program and also on the Continuous Improvements in attainment of outcomes vis-à-vis predefined outcomes and their relevance to Mission and Vision of the institution and Educational Objectives of the programme.
Following are the basic steps involved in NBA accreditation process where we can provide you all the guidance & support:
NBA Technical Advisory services: Tier-II
The New NBA format 2015 ( is in the concept of Washington Accord)
Major focus on Outcome based Assessment Direct,/Indirect (Feedback Performance) on (ABET- USA) .
NBA Technical Advisory services: NEW FORMAT
Program Level Criteria:
Institute Level Criteria: