Ready-to-use NABH Document Templates:
- Comprehensive document kits designed to assist hospitals in achieving NABH accreditation.
- The kit includes templates and documents related to system procedures, manuals, SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), audit checklists, formats, and compliance matrices.
- The content is in simple English and editable format, making it easy for hospitals to customize as per their specific requirements.
Consultancy Process for NABH Accreditation:
- Micro-level Survey: Assess the current hospital management system.
- Documentation Preparation: Develop necessary documents as per NABH standards for various departments and functions.
- Awareness Programs: Conduct programs for all hospital staff across all levels to inform them about NABH standards and processes.
- Policy and Quality Indicators: Establish a clear policy and set quality indicators.
- Implementation: Train personnel and implement the documented procedures and formats.
- Self-Assessment: Evaluate the hospital’s compliance with NABH standards through internal audits and self-assessments.
- NABH Application: Apply for NABH accreditation, followed by addressing feedback from the initial application.
Document Templates Included in the Kit:
- Manuals: A comprehensive hospital manual (8 files) and department-specific manuals (45 files).
- System and Health Procedures: Procedures covering system and health & safety processes (17 total procedures).
- Process Approaches and SOPs: Detailed process approaches (16 files) and standard operating procedures (89 SOPs).
- Forms and Formats: 91 blank forms and system formats.
- Audit Checklists: Over 250 audit questions to help assess compliance with NABH standards.
- Compliance Matrix: An Excel file to track compliance with specific NABH clauses.
Steps in the NABH Accreditation Process:
- Steering Committee: Form a committee to oversee the entire process.
- Training: Train both internal auditors and the broader hospital staff on NABH procedures.
- Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits and correct any non-conformities.
- Pre-assessment and Final Audits: Schedule pre-assessments and final audits with NABH assessors.
- Corrective Actions: Respond to non-conformities identified during audits and submit corrective actions to NABH.
How This Consultancy Helps
- Guided Process: From initial surveys to final accreditation, the consultancy helps hospitals understand and implement the necessary steps for achieving NABH certification.
- Complete Documentation: The ready-made documents help streamline the process and reduce the burden of creating templates from scratch.
- Customization and Adaptability: The editable formats allow healthcare providers to easily modify documents as per their specific organizational needs and structure.