
NAAC Mock-Teams

IIQA offers services for National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

Time Mock-Peer Team Visit Schedule
09:00–09:45 Presentation by the Head of the Institution/Principal
Focus on Criterion I : Curricular Aspects
09:45-10:30 Activities/Meeting
  • Programme Educational Objectives, participation of constituents, level of implementation
    (Planning and documentation for curriculum delivery, Cross cutting issues integrated into the Curriculum etc…)
Focus on Criterion II : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
10:30–12:00 Activities/Meeting
  • Visit of selected Departments (not more than 50% of the Departments to be selected by the Peer Team/HEI)
    (Assessment of learning levels of students, Student centric methods for enhancing learning experiences, Innovation and
    creativity in teaching-learning, Reforms, Transparency and Grievance-redressal mechanism in Continuous Internal Evaluation
    (CIE), Adherence to Academic Calendar for conduct of CIE, Statements & Attainment of POs, PSOs & COs etc….)
Focus on Criterion III : Research, Innovations and Extension
12:00–12:45 Activities/Meeting
  • Visit to Laboratories, latest research equipments, Computer centre, Incubation Centre, Central
    Instrumentation Centre, Media Laboratory/Commerce lab, Studios etc.., (if applicable)
  • Meeting and Interaction with Head of the Departments/ Teachers etc..,
    (Research Committee, Collaborations, Eco-system created for innovations, Extension activities, NCC, NSS etc…….)
Focus on Criterion IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
12:45–13:15 Activities/Meeting
  • Visit to Physical Facilities i.e. Library, Sports, Gymnasium, Yoga Center, Computer Centre, etc..,
  • Onsite Interaction with Office of DSW, Canteen, Hostels, Health centre, etc.,
    (Facilities for teaching – learning, sports, games etc.., automation of library, Collection of rare books, manuscripts, updated IT
    facilities including Wi-Fi, procedures for maintenance and utilization of physical, academic and support facilities etc…)
Focus on Criterion V : Student Support and Progression
13:15-14:00 Activities/Meeting
  • Visit to Placement Cell, Career Counseling Centre, Language Lab, Anti Raging Cell, Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell etc.,
  • Interaction with Students, Alumni & Parents (may include Student Satisfaction Survey Guidance)
    (Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees, Contribution from Alumni Association/Chapters etc….)
14:00-14:30 Lunch on meeting:
Meeting with the Governing Body / Management/State Govt. Representatives / University representatives.
Focus on Criterion VI : Governance, Leadership and Management
14:30–15:00 Activities/Meeting
  • Meeting with the Coordinator-IQAC, IQAC members in IQAC office.
  • Interaction with Administrative Officer, Finance Officer and other Non-teaching staff.
    (The Governance & Leadership of Institution, Organisational Structure, perspective/Strategic plan and deployment documents,
    welfare schemes, performance appraisal system for teaching and non-teaching staff, Internal and external audits,
    mobilization of funds and optimal utilization of resources, IQAC set up as per norms, contribution of IQAC etc.....)
Focus on Criterion VII : Institutional Values and Best Practices
15:30–15:45 Activities/Meeting
  • Review of physical facilities such as safety and security, Counseling, Ramp/Rails, skill development centres etc.,
    and review of alternative energy initiatives, rain water harvesting, waste management system etc.,
  • Meeting and Interaction with Head of various committees/cells.
  • Review of best practices and Institutional Distinctiveness
    (Gender sensitization , Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability measures, Green practices, Human values and professional
    Ethics, Best Practices, Institutional distinctiveness etc....)
15:45–16:15 Report writing, Checking Documentary evidences, if any. Discussion and modifying the draft Peer Team Report and
finalization, Visiting to facilities which has not been covered so far.............
(to be done within the Institution premises)
16:45–17:15 Report writing continues...........
17:15–17:45 Sharing the Peer Team Report with Head of the Institution
17:45–18:30 Finalizing the Peer Team Report
(Signatures to obtain from Head of the Institution and Peer Team Members on,
i. Peer Team Report;
ii. Visit Schedule;
iii. Code of Conduct and Ethical standards)
18:30–19:00 Exit Meeting